For your Data and Mtss needs
It is hard to teach the Industrialization Era of the United States without using the photographs of Lewis Hine. Hine was the great documentary photographer of his century and used his camera to bring awareness to the issue of child labor. As we have students analyze his photographs do we ever stop to ask the story of these children? They are a nameless part of American history but one person has tried to reverse that. Joe Manning has worked for a decade to find the stories of the children in Lewis Hines photographs.
Students can use the website below to research the stories behind the children in Hine's snapshots. As we study the past we should encourage students to learn about the individual stories that make up America's past.
Tips For Increasing student engagement
Three-Sentence Wrap-Up
At the end of a lesson, ask students to summarize it in three sentences or less. Have students get in groups to discuss and refine summaries
True/not True
Create four cards for each student: True, Not True, True with Modifications, Unable to Determine. Ask students a question that they answer by holding up the appropriate card.
Select a major concept in your lesson, then ask students to reflect on the meaning of the concept and create a visual image to represent it.
Math Interviews
Math interviews are a great way to engage students and promote student interactions and collaborations with each other. Interviews can be scripted, and teachers can gradually pull scripts away over time. Student to student conversation and explaining their reasoning with each other can allow for deeper understanding of math concepts. The sharing of ideas in not just math class, but any class can be a great opportunity for students to generate their own questioning to aid in their higher order thinking and understanding.
MEssage from Mrs. Badini
1 – Promote Self-Advocacy
2 – Celebrate Failure as Growth
3 – Promote Creativity
4 – Quote of the Day/Week
5 – Create Belonging
Science Fair - February 5-7.
Weekly time is allotted to prepare. I see some really good things happening with this and students are getting excited.
Have A GREAT WEEK!!!!!